#WeMakeDNA - 合成生物学によるタンパク質の構造と機能解析へのアプローチ

Twist Bioscienceは農芸化学会2021年度大会プログラムの⼀環として、スポンサードシンポジウム(ウェビナー)をランチタイムにライブ配信します。


3月20日, 12:00~12:50 (日本時間)





Twist Bioscience社は、シリコンベースの超並列化DNA合成プラットフォームにより、合成生物学やゲノミクスの研究者の皆様に低コストで研究を加速させるツールを提供しています。本講演では、合成生物学に関連した製品群(人工遺伝子、オリゴプール、変異体遺伝子ライブラリ)をご紹介します。また、COVID-19関連ツールの最新情報についてもご紹介いたします。

一等:Up to 10 kb of FREE Twist Gene Fragments(1名様)
二等:Twist Bioscienceのラマのぬいぐるみ(10名様)
三等:Twist Bioscienceのノベルティセット(20名様)

永田 宏次

東京大学 大学院農学生命科学研究科 応用生命化学専攻 食品生物構造学研究室 教授

Nagata Koji is the professor of Laboratory of Food Biotechnology and Structural Biology, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo.He graduated from the University of Tokyo and got Ph.D. (Agriculture). He had two years of experience in Sweden and UK as a research position, respectively, and most recently, he has been working at the University of Tokyo since 2005. In this webinar, Dr. Nagata will talk about examples of the use of synthetic genes, which are useful tools for the expression of recombinant proteins, as well as examples of future applications. His lab is advancing research to elucidate the mechanism of action of functional ingredients in foods by focusing on the molecular interactions between food molecules and human molecules to clarify the mechanism of action of functional components in food.

河合 岳志

ビジネスデベロップメントマネージャー, Synthetic Biology / Drug Discovery
Twist Bioscience

Takeshi Kawai is the Business Development Manager for Synthesis Biology and Libraries in Japan. He graduated from Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. He joined Twist Bioscience in 2020. He got Ph.D. (Agriculture) and has experience in the molecular biology market as an application scientist & marketing specialist in the industry.
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